December 12, 2011

Iowa Politics Insider: post-debate fallout

Iowa guide to presidential politics for Dec. 12, 2011.

“They’re never going to get a flying car! They’re never going to get that!”
A lot of wild things were said yesterday in the wake of Saturday night’s Republican presidential debate, with Sunday show pundits analyzing the night’s biggest moments ad nauseum and candidates holding Q&A’s to clarify their off-the-cuff remarks.
Here’s a round-up of the the latest post-debate coverage as we head towards Thursday’s debate in Sioux City where the conversation will surely continue.

The Register Recap

Jason Noble identifies marital fidelity, Michele Bachmann’s ‘Newt Romney’ phrase and Palestinians as key topics from Saturday’s showing.
He also notes that the tight calendar between the Des Moines and Sioux City debates — plus the candidate’s own event schedules — leaves them little time to regroup:
With such a short interval between debates and time slipping away before the first-in-the-nation nominating contest, the issues raised and attacks mounted Saturday night almost certainly will be revisited on Thursday, said Tim Albrecht, an aide to Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad and close observer of the caucus race.
“This debate will carry into Sioux City,” Albrecht said.
Noble breaks down the Saturday performances of each candidate.
Perry sat down with Kathie Obradovich as part of The Des Moines Register and Iowa Public Television’s “Conversations” series with the candidates. In the chat, Perry said his back is finally back after a July 1 surgery:
Q: How is your back?
A: My back is great. I’m back running again for the last six weeks. I think part of the reason you have seen a somewhat different candidate on the debates is my health, and (I’m) both physically and mentally just back in the game. You have fusion on your back, and it takes you a while to get back on your game.
Q: So were you not feeling good in those early debates?
A: I would suggest to you that I was pretty fatigued. No excuses. It was error. It’s what it is. Look, if anybody is looking for the perfect candidate, I’m not it.
Obradovich has more:
“I would suggest to you I was pretty fatigued,” he said. “But no excuses, it was there, it’s what it is and, look, if anybody’s looking for a perfect candidate I’m not it.  If they’re looking for the perfect debater, if they’re looking for someone that is going to have the answer to every question and never make a mistake, I’m not their candidate.”
Perry didn’t have answers for a few heckling questioners at a Sunday appearance in Ames who screamed questions about the candidates views on gay rights as expressed in a recent campaign ad.
Clayworth has it:
Perry soon left the coffee shop and was on his way out when a young boy asked if he would give him an autograph.  Perry gave him a signature and bolted for his vehicle.
Others waiting for the governor behind the coffee shop asked for pictures.
Got to “head back to the land,” Perry, who is returning to Texas today, said as he jumped into the vehicle.
Here’s video of the questioners and Perry’s back-door exit:

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