December 13, 2011

Police service corruption not endemic, report finds

Police officers in high visibility jackets walking away from the cameraHMIC inspectors visited 45 forces for the report

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A report into police corruption in England, Wales and Northern Ireland says it is not endemic but does not give forces a "clean bill of health".
Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary says there is a lack of clarity about the boundaries in relationships between police and media.
It also points to a "hugely inconsistent approach" across forces in their attitude towards free gifts.
The home secretary ordered the probe in the wake of the phone-hacking scandal.
Inspector Roger Baker, who led the review, said: "While we found no evidence of endemic corruption in police service relationships, we did find significant variations between forces and authorities in how they defined what is acceptable and what is not.
"This inconsistency made little sense to us and nor do we believe would it to the general public.
"There are no geographic boundaries when it comes to integrity and there should not be local differences in standards."
'Problem with corruption'
The report Without Fear or Favour points to 314 investigations over five years where there have been allegations of inappropriate relations or unauthorised disclosure of information between police and media.
Home Secretary Theresa MayHome Secretary Theresa May asked the HMIC to probe the relationship between the media and police.
Of the 314, only 12 related to inappropriate relations and of these only one member of staff resigned.
The report said: "We found that forces lack the capacity and capability to proactively identify any inappropriate relationships."
The inspectors said forces should explore options for identifying and monitoring inappropriate relationships with, and leaks to, the media.
They also called for police forces and authorities to record "all interactions between police employees and media representatives".
HMIC inspectors visited the 43 police forces in England and Wales, as well as the Police Service of Northern Ireland and the British Transport Police, and asked the public about their perceptions of levels of police integrity.
The review found that the majority of people questioned do not think corruption is common, and trust the police to tell the truth.
However around a third of the public think there is some "problem with corruption".
'Seen to act fairly'
The President of the Police Superintendents'' Association of England and Wales, Chief Superintendent Derek Barnett, said inconsistencies in the guidance given to officers should be addressed as a "matter of urgency".
He said strong leadership was essential: "The message from the public is that they expect the police service to be fair and impartial and therefore it is a matter of critical importance that the police should not only act fairly, they must also be seen to act fairly.

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Any real or perceived conflict of interest is problematic for the police service as it undermines public trust and erodes police legitimacy”
Sir Denis O'ConnorHM Chief Inspector of Constabulary
The review included relations with the media but also disclosure of information, hospitality, gratuities, procurement, contracts and business interests.
Inspectors found that forces were "outsourcing much of their back-office activity as well as procuring goods and services annually worth hundreds of millions of pounds".
"HMIC has seen instances where police officers and staff who have led on negotiations with suppliers have, upon successful conclusion of contracts, left the service and been immediately employed by that contractor - in one case as contract manager for the company's relationship with the force."
'Wake up call'
It found police forces had no clauses which would prevent contractors from employing anyone, directly or indirectly, who had served with the force for the duration of the contract.
But it said "there would certainly be merit in doing so".
Only 20 of the 43 forces in England and Wales gave staff clear written guidance to help them decide whether to accept or decline a gift, with 15 placing an acceptable value on gratuities of between £5 and £75.
The inspectors found many examples of departments not recording gifts or officers recording it in their pocket books rather than in the formal registers.
Mr Baker said there was "an urgent need for a wake-up call for the police service and its leaders".
The Association of Chief Police Officers said that while the review showed there was no "systemic corruption", individual officers were letting their colleagues and the public down.
Paul McKeever, chairman of the Police Federation, which represents rank-and-file officers in England and Wales, said the development of clear national standards was "hugely important for the future integrity of the police service".
Sir Denis O'Connor, HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary said: "The British model of policing is grounded in legitimacy.
"Any real or perceived conflict of interest is problematic for the police service as it undermines public trust and erodes police legitimacy.
"It is therefore fundamentally important that the service tackles the issues identified, that it is done swiftly and in a way that is long lasting."
The chairman of the Association of Police Authorities, Mark Burns-Williamson, agreed that the bodies that oversee police forces "cannot afford to be complacent".
He said: "Across a range of issues which could cause concern, the public will expect common sense to prevail and clear standards to be enforced with consistency.
"We will work hard to implement the inspectorate's recommendations as quickly as possible and share best practice so that the public's overwhelming confidence in the police will deepen, not diminish, in the future".

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