December 08, 2011

Sandusky posts $250K bail on new sex charges

Court documents show that former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky has posted $250,000 bail following his arrest on new sex abuse charges, the Associated Press reports.
It was not immediately clear whether he had been released.
Sandusky was jailed Wednesday on 12 new charges of child sex abuse after a grand jury report released details of testimony from two new alleged victims.
Court records this morning show Sandusky posted bail using $200,000 in real estate holdings and a $50,000 certified check provided by wife Dorothy.
Under the terms of his release, Sandusky will be confined to his home, subject to electronic monitoring and forbidden from having any contact with any witnesses or victims in the attorney general investigation.
Sandusky was charged last month with sexually abusing 8 other boys over a 15-year span. He maintains his innocence.

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